With the immense blessings of Shri Yugal Sarkar, param pujya Shri
Hanumanprasad Poddar ‘Babuji’, param pujya Shri Radha Baba and all
the revered saints, all of us are inspired on the festival of Deepawali to
introspect as to how do we make our hearts compassionate, so that
merciful Sri SitaRamji can come and reside there? How do we adorn the
path of God’s arrival with beautiful thoughts and sentiments? And how
do we experience the loving nearness of God in the ups and downs of
daily life?
For this, some points worth considering are presented here –
Pujya ‘Nanaji’ (Shri Dharmendra Mohan Sinha) has given a simple
meaning of ‘Rama’ – ‘He who is infused in everything’ (Anand Yatra-
1, Article III-5, Answer 5)
The practical aspect of this meaning is described in this couplet of
SriRamcharitmanas —
uma je rama charana rata bigata kama mada krodha,
nija prabhumaya dekhahi jagata kehi sana karahi birodha.
‘(Lord Shankara says) – Uma, they who are devoted to Sri Rama’s feet
and are free from lust, vanity and anger, look upon the whole word as
full of their Lord; against whom can they harbour animosity?
(Doha 112 (kha), Uttarkand)
From these words of the poet-saint Shri Tulsidasji, God’s inclination is
clear – that we should treat every person who comes in contact with us
in the same way as we would like to treat our beloved Lord. Only then
will we be able to worship our beloved Lord by our conduct.
The irony is that in solitude we are able to worship God lovingly and
also nurture favourable relationships with utmost love. But when
dealing with people from whom we receive hostility or whose
personality we perceive as flawed, we adopt unbecoming behaviour and
reactions. In such a situation, we consciously turn our back on this
principle that if we are insulting or hurting them in any way, then
actually, we are only hurting our dear, gentle Lord. Our ego keeps
holding on to this feeling that ‘when that person does not behave
properly with me, then how can I conduct myself with sensitivity, love
and respect?’
To gain full benefit of Deepawali, it is necessary that with determination
we give up such thoughts, and rise from this darkness of delusion to
move towards light. In this regard, study of ‘Simple tips to sweeten
relationships’ presented by Pujya Nanaji in Anand Yatra-1, Article IV-11,
will be very beneficial. It is greatly reassuring that if we resolve to follow
the above couplet, it will become an opportunity to render unique
service to Lord Shri SitaRamji and all the revered saints. Then, their
immense power will rush to help us.
So, let’s start with one seemingly unfavourable relationship and resolve
to treat that person as we would treat God. This effort will certainly
please Shri SitaRamji who is present in every person. This way we will
be able to experience the nearness of God and the joy of Deepawali
festival everyday.
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